hi everione, this week i am talking about something i'd like to learn. geting out of the art circule.(in which i hope to learn a lot). since i was a little kid. i would love to learn how to play an instrument, music just makes magic expressive feelings. i took some drum lessons but when i discovered skateboarding. i quit quickly. another thing that i would like to lear is botany. i have the idea to get lost out of society living the simplest way in which you form part of nature. now in our tipe of living. nature passed from been the priority for the people, there's a lot of plants that can cure some disease in a healthy way in which we use pils or synthetic medicine.i started a little part of this learning in botany traveling to the Peruvian rainforest. the amazonas it's biodiversity is pure air and full of green landscapes. there are a lot of tribes. which are extremly conscious about howto take advantage living with natures provisions its dificult to continue when